If you love music, drama and Shakespeare – think opera

I have a lot of writing to do and also am behind on my WFC post, but wanted to share this with all Southern California readers. I saw Romeo and Juliet, the opera, yesterday and it was wonderful. They’ve cast two beautiful singers who can also act and the production just came from La Scala. It is everything you’d hope an opera would be and I doubt I’ll ever see a Romeo et Juliette this good because it is so difficult to cast. This Romeo is hot, and goes shirtless, need I say more? I typically steer new opera fans to Mozart, but this is one that can easily be a first-timers delight.

If you’ve never been to an opera, they have supertitles so everyone follows along. It means a lot to me to follow the nuances of the story. I also stress, don’t judge an opera by any filmed performance. I can’t stand filmed versions, it is best experienced live, with the full orchestra, the audience.

There are only 6 performances. Go if you can and thank me later for the experience of a lifetime. For info on tickets, including discounts: http://www.laopera.com/season/romeo/index.aspx


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