Selfie in the Philippines
Lissa’s selfie with a portion of the crowd that turned out on a Friday night to see Jennifer E. Smith and Lissa in Cebu.Read More →
Lissa’s selfie with a portion of the crowd that turned out on a Friday night to see Jennifer E. Smith and Lissa in Cebu.Read More →
Lissa is in the Philippines this week and sends this photo of her and Jennifer E. Smith speaking to the smart students of the International School.Read More →
The Philippines is bringing me out for a week of touring in September! Am looking forward to meeting Jennifer (an author friend told me she is really nice). It will be signings in Manila and also Cebu, media, school visits, and signing at the 35th Manila Book Festival. I’ve alreadyRead More →
For all those thriller fans out there, I’ll be at the Thrillerfest Conference in Manhattan again from July 8 – July 12. This photo above is from last year’s YA panel with the incredibly funny R.L. Stine as our panel master. This year they deemed me panel master (no smallRead More →
I was thrilled when I discovered a few months ago that a high school in Canada had picked Starters as their read of the year! When I told my publisher in Canada, Random House Children’s Books, they arranged to bring me out there. I made a short video for theRead More →
This Saturday, May 17, from 9-5pm, I’ll be at the Ontario Teen Book Festival, in California, along with some amazing authors. Keynotes by Lauren Kate, Corey John Whaley and Jessica Brody and many more panelists. This amazing conference is all free (I can’t believe it), just show up. The bookstoreRead More →
Will create the real post with lots of photos later, but wanted you all to get a taste of this: 1100 students and teachers all read STARTERS at the same time. So many, we couldn’t fit them all in the photo! That’s me, wearing their school color, red, in theRead More →
The Pasadena Public Library and Bridge to Books is sponsoring a YA book festival, Saturday, April 26, 2014 from 12:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. at the Pasadena Public Library. Click on the picture below to get to the official website: The free tickets are sold out, and now, as ofRead More →
I spoke at the Ridley Middle School in Philadelphia recently. The students were incredibly smart; the questions were stellar. And the questions didn’t stop. I would love to see where these students are in ten years. The next day I was at a great B&N in the Neshaminy Mall, inRead More →
David Gerrold, the writer of the famous “Trouble With Tribbles” Star Trek episode is endorsing me for the Campbell Award for Best New Writer. He’s also known for The Martian Child, a Hugo and Nebula winner. I wrote about this award given at the Hugo Awards ceremony here where youRead More →
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